When purchasing a treadmill, there are a lot of factors to consider. There is the price, size, compatibility, weight, strength and so on. Knowing these factors about treadmills help you to understand the most suitable treadmill for you.
Treadmill Prices
There are different price ranges for treadmills. Generally, treadmills ranging from $500-$1500 are budget range; mid-range is $1500-$3000 and $3000 and up is top quality. Offers and discounts while purchasing the treadmills depend upon the season and the manufacturer’s policies. Sites like Amazon do provide great discounts for treadmills all the time.
Some treadmills offer fancy workout features that users should consider while buying a treadmill. It all depends whether you need it. When buying a treadmill you should check if the model has programmable features so that the walking distance and incline can be varied. Some treadmills have fun features like plugging into CD player or internet.
There are different types of treadmills to look for. There are motorized and non-motorized treadmills. Non-motorized treadmills are great if you are on a budget or you don’t want to waste electricity to do exercises.
What To Look For In A New Treadmill
Then again, when you choose a motorized treadmill, you have to emphasize on the proper selection of the motor. You should check if the motor has enough power to spin the treadbelt and if it supports your weight. Normally, best treadmills for home require treadmill motor power ranging from 1.5 HP to 2 HP where HP is horsepower. It is also a good idea to see if there is a warranty on the treadmill motors. Treadmill motors are one of the parts of a treadmill that requires frequent maintenance. Check if to see is at least for a year.
Another part of treadmill that requires frequent maintenance is the treadbelts. It undergoes a lot of wear and tear. Normal belt thickness in home treadmills should be 2 ply whereas top-end models such as Landice treadmills have 4-ply treadbelts. The thickness will help the belt last longer and not to curl less around the edges.
When buying a treadmill for your home, you should also check its deck size to be the running surface. A longer running surface gives you a more confortable workout space.
Treadmill size is another factor you should consider while purchasing a treadmill for your home. The size of the treadmill should depend on the room size of your home. If you have limited space, consider buying a folding treadmill so that you can fold the treadmill under your bed after use. Thus you can save considerable amount of space when not working out.
Good treadmills also provide a great shock absorption system. The better the shock absorption system, the lesser is the wear on user’s feet, legs and joints. Shock absorption techniques used in treadmills vary from thicker belt to shock absorbers under the deck or floating decks. You should know that higher shock absorption will result in higher price of the treadmill. High end treadmills like Landice treadmills have great shock absorption.
When you buy a treadmill, you should also look at the maximum speed at which it can run. Make sure that it does fit your needs. Treadmills are quite expensive so make sure you make the right choice. Walkers can probably get by with speeds of .5 to 6 mph while runners (or very fast walkers) need a higher maximum speed.
Inclination is another factor you need to consider while buying a treadmill. Working out on an inclined treadmill will help you burn out more calories than working out on a levelled surface. Inclines vary widely with maximum inclines from 2% to 25%. The larger the range is the more variety users can have in their workouts. The incline can be controlled either manually or using controls. Make sure that this is according to your preference.
Most motorized treadmills have built in electronics display that will show you the distance you walked, calories burned, heart rate and so on. Pre-set programs and customized programs are available. But these options depend on your personal preference and your workout style. But one great add-on to have on your treadmills is a drink holder. It would be annoying to get of the treadmill every time you feel thirsty.
These are the most important things you should care about when buying the best treadmill for your home. There are a lot of treadmills around so make sure you find the one that suites you. You can check out other articles in this site to help you determine the right treadmill for your home.
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