In many locations, August marks the end of summer and the start of the school year for both students and their parents, resulting in end-of-season sales on outdoor gear and office supplies at various retailers. Similarly, the retail landscape is undergoing significant change: While Amazon has slashed prices to clear out excess inventory, inflation has led to price increases. And although most surveyed Americans anticipate a recession within the next year, the National Retail Federation reports that they continue to spend money.
Consumers should make wise purchasing decisions with terms like “inflation” and “recession” at the forefront of their minds. “Bundling items and purchasing in bulk can be a smart money-saving strategy for larger families or groups of friends who share items,” said Vipin Porwal, consumer savings expert and creator of the cashback browser extension Smarty. While some Americans are still shopping, others may choose to reuse their backpacks or wait for holiday sales to purchase new technology, according to Porwal. He predicted that this month’s shoppers would utilize inventive strategies to take advantage of sales.
Before making a purchase, you may, like many other consumers, search for deals, bulk sales, and discounts. To give you an idea of the best sales and discounts for the upcoming month, we consulted retail experts about which sales and items are worth considering and which are not (if you can wait).
Best August Deals on Amazon
We have compiled the best ongoing discounts on highly rated products that Select readers have expressed interest in or that we believe you should be aware of. We utilized price monitoring tools such as Honey and CamelCamelCamel to determine the value of each discount.
1. Vacuums and Robotic Vacuums
Vacuums, including robotic vacuum cleaners, tend to be less expensive in August due to early Labor Day and back-to-school sales aimed at college students. This is the ideal time to replace your old device with a superior one finally.
There are numerous types of vacuum cleaners. Some are better suited for hardwood floors, while others are better for carpets and removing pet hair. Perfect for college students living on their own for the first time, robotic vacuums are a great way to maintain cleanliness without exerting any effort.
Review our vacuum cleaner buying guide and ratings to select the most cost-effective brand and model.
2. Grills
August is the unofficial end of summer, but that doesn’t mean you should stop grilling. As Labor Day approaches, grills will be available for less money. This month, keep an eye out for deals on charcoal, gas, pellet, and kamado grills.
Depending on your needs, prices can range from as little as $100 to more than $3,000. We evaluate grills for every cooking style and budget, from camping-friendly portable models to larger grills designed to feed a large family. We consider more than 150 grills for first-time buyers and seasoned grill masters seeking replacements or upgrades.
There are three primary types of grills, and each has advantages and disadvantages in terms of cost, ease of use, cleanup, and, most importantly, how it cooks food if you are unsure whether a charcoal grill, gas grill, or pellet grill best suits your needs, you should review our grill buying guide.
Check out the following grill deals.
3. Laptops and Computers
For the back-to-school season, laptops and computers typically go on sale in August. The same holds this year. Due to chip shortages and disruptions in the supply chain, we experienced shortages, price increases, and shipping delays in the past year.
And despite these issues being significantly less prevalent this year, they have not vanished entirely. Therefore, before placing an order for a new computer online, you should check the estimated shipping time. You can also compare prices and search for comparable devices if the model you want is unavailable or not on sale. Start your search with our purchasing guide and suggested models.
Check out the following computer and laptop deals.
4. Tablets
Like laptops and computers, tablet sales are also robust this month. When selecting the best option, you should consider how you intend to utilize it. If you want to watch Netflix or edit photos, search for a device with a larger, higher-resolution display.
If all you want to do is play games and browse the Internet, you don’t need to spend a fortune. Additional considerations include battery life, storage capacity (and expansion options), size, weight, and processor power.
5. Wireless Routers
A reliable wireless router can amplify your Wi-Fi signal, eliminate dead zones in your home, and guarantee that everyone in your household can stream, play, and otherwise spend time online uninterruptedly. August is an excellent time to purchase a new router at a discount.
When selecting a new router, there are many factors to consider, including the size of your home and its cybersecurity protections. Start with our buying guide, which will walk you through each consideration.
6. Microwave Ovens
You can find a microwave oven for as little as $50 or as much as $1,000 that can be integrated into your kitchen cabinets. Noteworthy, however, is a microwave’s ability to reheat and defrost food; not all models are created equal in this regard. Before purchasing a new model, it is advisable to review our test results and ratings.
It is also essential to consider the type of microwave. There are both countertop and over-the-range options. Countertop models are the most versatile. You might want to consider this when you remodel your kitchen.
There are other qualities to consider. Do you want the more common turntable or a sliding tray that may be better for reheating larger dishes? Is a rack required? What is the ideal wattage? Our purchasing guide will assist you in determining the most cost-effective options.
Consider the following microwave oven offer.
7. Dehumidifiers
As summer weather reaches its peak, dehumidifier prices tend to decrease. On humid days, they are great for drying out the air in your home, which can help you feel less sticky. In addition to removing the damp feeling from a basement or laundry room. When humidity levels exceed 50 percent, dust mites, mildew, and mold can flourish, triggering allergies and other health issues.
When selecting a dehumidifier, you must consider the space’s capacity requirements. Large machines can function in small areas, but small or medium-sized dehumidifiers may be more effective. Read our dehumidifier buying guide to learn what to look for.
8. Printers
If a printer is on your back-to-school shopping list, you may be able to find a discount on a high-end model this month, whether you need one that can scan and fax or just want a simple printer for occasional use. Since the pandemic’s beginning, however, printers have been in high demand, so if you come across a sale, you’ll need to act quickly before the item is no longer available.
Laser and inkjet printers are the two most common types. Some may be able to make copies or provide wireless printing capabilities over Wi-Fi. CR’s buying guide can give you a more in-depth look at the various options and the best models, so you’ll be prepared when the desired printer goes on sale.
Consider the following printer offer.
9. Freezers
In August, the average price of a standalone freezer tends to decrease. This year, however, you may not find as many opportunities to save if you’re in the market for a new vehicle. Due to the pandemic, many individuals purchased secondary freezers in the spring to stock up on supplies, thereby increasing demand. We have seen few deals on freezers this year, but at least they are back in stock and may see price reductions this month.
Consult our buying guide and ratings to locate the ideal freezer for your requirements.
10. Blood Pressure Monitors
High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is asymptomatic, but it can increase the risk of heart attack, stroke, kidney disease, and several other severe health conditions. And despite your doctor check your blood pressure at each visit, a single reading may not provide a complete picture.
You can purchase a home blood pressure monitor if you want to monitor your blood pressure more closely. Consumer Reports has evaluated 28 blood pressure monitors, comparing their readings to those of a mercury sphygmomanometer (the gold standard in blood pressure testing) and evaluating their ease of use, comfort, and convenience.
Most models typically cost between $40 and $100 and are frequently on sale. Upper-arm and wrist monitors can have various features, but upper-arm monitors generally are more accurate than wrist models, according to our testing. Our comprehensive blood pressure monitor buying guide is an excellent starting point for your research.
11. Steam Irons
Even if you don’t have a lot of clothes that need to be pressed after coming out of the dryer, you should still have an iron on hand. Now is the ideal time to shop if you’re in the market for a new steam iron.
Steam iron prices range from $15 to $150. Although cheaper models we’ve tested in the past haven’t performed exceptionally well, you can find alternatives for approximately $50 that can compete with more expensive models.
We do not currently evaluate steam irons, but you can read our buying guide to learn about your options and what to look for when shopping.
What to shop for in August
According to Porwal, August should be about upgrading the entire family, even if sales are geared toward students. Experienced shoppers know that this month’s Back-to-School and end-of-season sales offer substantial savings on school supplies and home goods. These deals may include traditional school supplies such as backpacks and pens and student-use technology such as tablets and laptops. Traditionally, dorm furnishings and essentials such as pillows, shower curtains, and trash cans go on sale during this time of year.
Additionally, Porwal noted that ” savings opportunities are overlooked” during this time. He predicted “deep discounts” on “dark horse” categories such as musical instruments, prescription eyewear, exams, and home and office technology such as printers, computer monitors, software, and internet networking equipment.
Historically, end-of-season sales have included discounts on tents, grills, hammocks, camping chairs, and patio furniture. During the last week of August, shoppers will likely encounter pre-Labor Day sales offering discounts of up to 50 percent on sporting and outdoor goods, swimwear, yard supplies, and other seasonal outdoor items, according to Porwal.
What to skip in August
If you’re looking for video game consoles, televisions, and other electronics, Porwal recommends waiting until Black Friday’s early deals, “when nearly every retailer offers these items at the lowest prices.”
In addition, Porwal stated that jeans and denim products might be on sale this month, but prices should drop as the season changes.
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